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Ethernal For App Chains

If you just launched (or are planning to launch) your own app chain, you probably want to provide a block explorer for your users.

With Ethernal, you can spin up a full-featured block explorer in minutes, branded with your design theme & hosted on your own domain.

We take care of all the infrastructure needed to keep it running reliably, so you can focus on building your blockchain.

Quick & Easy Setup

Ethernal CLI

We take care of synchronizing all blocks & transactions for you. You don't have to run or maintain anything.

Ethernal Branding

Customize your explorer with your own colors, native token symbol, links, etc... You can also host it on your own domain.

Network Stats

Ethernal Network Stats

Youl'll get access to an overview of various global and recent stats about your blockchain.

Ethernal ERC-20 Balances

ERC-20 & ERC-721 transfers are tracked, so your users have an easy way to consul their balances at any time.

Give Transparency To Your Users

Ethernal Transactions List

Make it easy for your users to visualize how they interact with your chain.

Ethernal Decoded Function & Event

Function calls & events are decoded and formatted accordingly (shortcut to addresses, contract names are displayed, etc...)

Ethernal Token Transfer & Balance Changes Display

ERC-20 & ERC-721 token transfers are detected automatically. Amounts are automatically formatted using contract symbol() and decimals() methods.

Contract Interaction

Ethernal Contract Verification UI

Anyone will be able to verify contracts, either through the UI, the CLI or the API.

Ethernal Connect With Metamask

Once the contract has been verified, the UI will be automatically generated and users will be able to interact through Metamask.

Ethernal Method Call Parsed Response

Responses are parsed & formatted according to their type: images will be displayed, links made clickable, ipfs data fetched, etc...

ERC-721 Collections Support

Ethernal ERC721 Collection

ERC-721 contracts are automatically detected and tagged when deployed.

ERC721 Collection

All NFTs are parsed, their metadata are fetched, and they are displayed in a dedicated section to make them easy to browse.

Ethernal ERC721 Metadata Display

Tokens information are displayed. OpenSea metadata standard is supported.

You can also send your tokens right from the interface.

Ethernal is an open source block explorer for EVM-based chains.
🍷 Made In France

Alchemy Certified Infrastructure